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Highly Specialized GMAT tutor - let's get you that score!

I work in international finance, but have always had a passion for helping others and teaching. I used to tutor students when I was in college in International Relations and loved the opportunity to help students improve their grades and learn. I rediscovered my passion for teaching after I taught GMAT classes, but found that individual lessons and tutoring sessions were a lot more effective for students. In classes, students bring a wide variety of backgrounds and knowledge of the mater...


Regina M. from Washington, DC

Doni helped me with test taking strategies, and really helped me better understand the test as whole. I'm looking forward to having her help me continue my prep.

Jacqueline C. from New York, NY

I could not have learned the amount that I did without her guidance. She invests in her students and she pushes them to succeed. She has enabled me to not only learn the material, but to develop an interest in the topics. I highly recommend her.

Kevin B. from Arlington, VA

Doni set reasonable goals for me and had a clear plan for reaching them. She was very persistent and drove me to do my best on test day. I would highly recommend Doni as a tutor if you are preparing for the GMAT.

Jorge D. from Alexandria, VA

I had my first lesson with Doni to help improve my GMAT score. She's very methodical but patient as well. She obviously understands the exam and what it takes to be successful in it. I am looking forward to continue to improve my score with her guidance.

PJ S. from Rockville, MD

After taking a group class and not achieving the results I was hoping for, I enlisted the help of Doni to better prepare for my next attempt. Doni is a great tutor, she takes the time to understand your ultimate goals and then builds out a clear path on how she is going to get you there. She creates a scheduled curriculum, tailors her style to your learning style and gives you the foundation you need to achieve your desired results. With Doni's help I was admitted to every school I applied to and had fun while learning new approaches. I highly recommend Doni as a tutor if you are preparing for the GMAT.